Front doors open at 8:00 a.m. DO NOT drop students unattended prior to 8:00.
Use single, left lane (closest to building), for drop off in front of the school.
Cars will always yield to buses.
Pull all the way forward in the unloading zone. Don’t stop at crosswalk unless you are directed to stop at the crosswalk.
Do not drop off students in the parking lot.
Do not use the outside lane to go around other cars. This is for student safety.
Please be patient and keep hands off your cell phone.
If you arrive past 8:35, you will be required to sign your child in at the office.
Anyone picked up prior to 3:40 will be counted as an early dismissal. Afternoon dismissal will begin at 3:40 P.M. Please do not come into the office to sign your child out in lieu of using the carline. We cannot accommodate student sign out after 3:15 P.M. Students are already transitioning towards dismissal and they cannot be accessed in a timely manner. IMPORTANT: As you round the playground, cars split into two lanes. You will not be able to change lanes. After loading students, ALL vehicles in the left lane will turn left onto Shute Lane toward Gallatin Road. After loading students, ALL vehicles in the right lane will turn right onto Shute Lane toward Cages Bend Road. This makes our process go much more smoothly and has significantly reduced the amount of time it takes to load and move vehicles.
Car Line Expectations for Adult Drivers
If all parents comply with expectations, we will have a smooth and safe dismissal in the fastest possible manner. Thank you for being patient.
Car Rider Signs are REQUIRED to pick up a student.
Place sign in the driver side window, with QR code facing out. Write name & grade of children in bold print. (Please use a thick marker or font with bold print)
Stay in a single line until you get to the back playground loop. Form two lines. Choose the right lane if you exit right on Shute Ln. toward Cages Bend Rd. Choose the left lane if you exit left on Shute Ln. toward Gallatin Rd.
Right (outside lane) must turn right on Shute Ln. Left (inside lane) must turn left on Shute Ln.
DO NOT change lanes once you are in the carline or while exiting for the safety of students and staff.
Students are lined up in the gym based on the location of scanned QR Codes on vehicles in the carline.
Cars will always yield to buses. Put your car in park while students are loading.
TN State Law prohibits the use of a handheld mobile device while in a school zone. For this reason, you will be asked to refrain from using your cellphone unless it is handsfree. For safety of all students and staff, please adhere to this request.
No smoking on campus.
Adults are not allowed to get out of vehicles to approach students. If you need help, ask staff for assistance.
When your child is loaded, turn on HAZARD FLASHERS. This is the signal to staff that you are loaded and ready to leave. Hazards should remain on while you exit.
TIP:Most parents clip the sign to their visor and simply flip it down and turn it towards the school on the passenger side. The signs are for staff to see that your child is not getting in the car with a stranger. It also allows your child to see their name so they can recognize their car.
How does the car line work?
Arrival: Vehicles are in a single line in the left ( inside) lane closest to the building. Pull vehciles as far forward as possible in the unloading zone. Staff members are on duty to monitor car rider arrival at 8:00 a.m. As a courtesy, we open the front doors early at 8:00, and early arrivers are expected to report immediately to the gym. Students are dismissed to their classrooms at 8:30 a.m. Students transported by car shoule enter the front of the school and be IN THEIR CLASSROOMS prior to 8:40 a.m. Instruction begins at 8:40. Any student who arrives after 8:35 will require a parent/guardian to sign him/her in at the front office.
Dismissal: (Cars don't begin leaving the campus until after 3:40 p.m.. )Students who are car riders remain in the gym until their cars are in the 2 loading zones in the front of the school.
Mrs. Sanders and additional staff members scan the QR codes on Car Rider Signs. Names are automatically entered in a spreadsheet that is organized by color to match the flags in the loading zones. Mrs. Bradley coordinates staff and students in the gym. The spreadsheet is projected in the gym, and students are lined up in zones organized by color to match the flags in the loading zones. Mrs. Bradley calls names of students. Teachers and staff help to make sure students are lined up in the correct zones.
- When your child is safely loaded, turn on your Hazard Flashers. This will signal the staff in the center aisle that you are ready. Exit with your Hazards on.
– Cars should be in one lane until the drive splits at the playground where double lanes are formed. This is to alleviate traffic on Shute Lane. For the safety of our staff and students, you are NEVER to change lanes.
– Pull your vehicle up as close as possible to the vehicle in front of you and do not leave gaps.
– For student safety, put your car in park or turn off your car while students are loading.
– Students may only load in the loading zone.
– Do not talk or text on your cellphone while students are present.
– No smoking on campus.
– Kindergarteners should be practicing buckling, unbuckling and opening/closing vehicle doors. Parents may assist with seatbelts for kindergarteners; however be mindful that we will not move the line until you are in the car and hazard lights are on. Please be quick, so you do not hold up the carline.
– Adults are not allowed to get out of their cars to approach any student.
– Do not move your car until the staff members signal that you may move.
– Do not change lanes as you exit. The right lane must turn right toward Shute Lane to Cages Bend Road. The left lane will turn left toward Gallatin Road. Both lanes will move simultaneously.
– If your child misses your car, you will be asked to pull forward to the crossing guard and park until we can radio for your child to walk down.
Rain Dismissal
– Please have your Car Rider Sign clearly displayed in the window facing the CENTER aisle with your child’s grade and name in bold print.
– An adult staff member will walk down the center aisle in between the double lanes in the rain to read the sign and radio your student’s name and grade.
– If you do not have a sign, you will need to pull forward and park and will be the last to load.
– We will load and dismiss a section of cars at a time. Be very patient on rainy days.
– We keep students inside until their car is called, so they can remain dry. It is recommended to send a poncho and umbrella on rainy days.
- When your child is safely loaded, turn on your Hazard Flashers. This will signal the staff in the center aisle that you are ready. Exit with your Hazards on.